
Soulbrain will maintain efforts for sustainable development
through fair trade with suppliers.


A sustainable and future ready company, Soulbrain

Taking the lead to create a better future.

Soulbrain is building mutual trust with its partners based on fair trade and building cooperative relationships through continuous communication. In addition, we will not coerce or exert influence over unfair actions by taking advantage of our superior position, and we will strive for a win-win Partnership for sustainable development with our business partners.


Win-win management core values and strategies

Creating a sustainable value through the establishment of a fair trade culture and the establishment and advancement of a win-win cooperation system
  • 신뢰
    Establishment of fair trade culture

    Fair trade agreement implementation
    Operation of 4 major practices
    Standard subcontract operations
    Operation of the internal deliberation committee

  • 협력
    Support for Mutual Development Program

    Sales expansion and financial support
    Technological protection and education support
    Support for management innovation activities
    Manufacturing Competitiveness Reinforcement Activities

  • 소통
    Win-win partnership with business partners

    Operations Management Association
    VOC Listening and Improvement
    Improvement of sustainable culture
    Response to sustainability concerns with customers

Operations & Configuration

Operation and composition of an organization dedicated to win-win management

Soulbrain is strengthening the prevention of unfair trade and illegal trade by signing fair trade agreements and introducing standard subcontracts. In order to promote win-win cooperation and achieve win-win growth with business partners, a dedicated department has been organized and actively managed and operated.

Innovation Room
Green team

Fair trade agreement and win-win partnership operations

Support for Mutual Development / Management